Pastor Hopson was born on June 7, 1962 in Jacksonville, North Carolina. He graduated from Prescott High School in 1980. After high school, he attended the Southern Arkansas University in Magnolia, Arkansas where he majored in Business Administration with a minor in Computer Science. He later attended the University of Central Arkansas, receiving a Master of Science Degree in Business Education with additional studies in Educational Leadership.
He has been married to his number one supporter, Marilyn, for over 25 years. They are the proud parents of two lovely children, Morgan and Jermaine.
Growing up in Prescott, Arkansas, as the son of a COGIC preacher, until this day, Pastor Hopson has always active in the church. He was saved at the age of 18 and over the years has held He has held numerous positions in the local and district church.
Pstor Hopson has a passion for young people and music, as well as a strong conviction that the church should always be at the forefront and not behind. He is a firm believer in Proverbs 18:16: "Your gift will make room for you and bring you before great men." After completing college, he moved to Little Rock, Arkansas and joined New Calvary Temple COGIC under the leadership of Bishop Donne L. Lindsey. In 1985, he was hired as the church's Executive Secretary. Serving in this role, Pastor Hopson worked in all facets of ministries at the local, district, and jurisdictional levels. In 1990, he was ordained as an elder in the Church of God in Christ.
Standing on the Word of God, his gifts have brought him before great men and after 28 years of dedicated service, he was elevated to Serving Pastor of New Calvary Temple COGIC "The Church That Changes Lives For The Better."
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Lady Hopson was born in Pine Bluff, Arkansas on April 17, 1960. She was an honor graduate from Parkview High School in 1978. She received her undergraduate degree in accounting from UALR in 1983 and obtained a Masters in Business Administration from Webster University in 1993.
She was saved during the summer of 1975 during a revival conducted by Elder Cyrus Cartwright at the Rosedale COGIC in the John Barrow Addition.
Marilyn is thankful for having a solid foundation in holiness and credits her dedicated commitment to the teachings of the late Elder Raymond and the late Missionary Lee Olie Savage. Also a great impact was made on her by the investment of prayers, time, money and effort by her Youth Leader, Missionary Arula Williams who made sure that she attended Youth services on the local, district, state and national levels. At every opportunity she gets, Marilyn returns to Rosedale simply to say "Thank You."
Marilyn has a heart for serving and believes in doing whatever her hands find to do. She has held numerous positions in the church to include "Sunday School Secretary, Sunday School Teacher, Announcement Clerk, Mass Choir Member, "Funeral Choir Member," Kitchen Helper, Nursery Worker, Children Ministry Worker, Youth Staff Worker, Adjutant and Assistant Coordinator of the Ministers Wives Circle. One of her greatest joys was serving as adjutant to Mother Irma Lindsey. By serving one of the greatest First Ladies, she learned first-hand, up close and personal what it is to be a "first lady."
She began her work career in banking as a COE Student (Career Office Education) in 1978 and remained in banking until she joined the United States Army in 1983, serving as an Administrative Specialist for six years with an honorable discharge in 1989 as Staff Sergeant Promotable.
During her transition from military, Marilyn worked at the Rose Law Firm for two years and re-entered banking in 1991, working in the following positions: Human Resources Specialist, Executive Secretary to the Chief Financial Officer and Business Analyst. Due to a banking merger in 2008, she re-entered the work force in the educational field currently working as an Audit Specialist in the Internal Audit Department of the Little Rock School District.
Marilyn has been married for over 25 years to Pastor Timothy Hopson, affectionately known as "Honey." She gladly accepts the challenge of being a "help meet" him naturally and spiritually. She is still most attracted to his kindness and sincere love for God. Marilyn enjoys shopping, playing games and traveling.
Her greatest accomplishment is her pride, Morgan and her joy, Jermaine.
Lady Hopson's favorite saying is "This is the day that the Lord hath made "let us rejoice and be glad in it! Oh, magnify the Lord with me and let us exalt His name together!